Why can’t I donate directly to Atrium Health, or to a certain program or hospital?

As a governmental entity, Atrium Health is not a 501(c)(3) organization and does not generally accept charitable financial contributions. Atrium Health Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization and accepts all external charitable financial support for Atrium Health. Our tax ID is 56-6060481.

By |October 2nd, 2014||0 Comments

Isn’t it just the big donors who make a difference?

No. Although big donations attract a lot of attention and are vital to supporting our causes, donations of all sizes are important. Every dollar counts. In addition to supporting programs and services, smaller donations often indicate wide levels of support, which can attract big donations. For instance, the opening of Levine Children’s Hospital was the […]

By |October 2nd, 2014||0 Comments

How will my contribution be used?

Many donors elect to designate a hospital service or program as the recipient of their gift – to a fund that supports ovarian cancer research, or to cardiovascular rehabilitation. A donor may also choose to make an unrestricted gift to the Foundation. At the discretion of the Board of Directors, these gifts are designated for […]

By |October 2nd, 2014||0 Comments

Why should I contribute to Atrium Health Foundation?

Financial contributions help provide the resources necessary to maintain the highest level of excellence and patient support in our medical programs and services. Your individual acts of generosity help improve the quality of life for people in our region today and into the future.Philanthropic gifts have always been important to Atrium Health. Since its beginnings […]

By |October 2nd, 2014||0 Comments

Why is the Foundation important? Why aren’t revenues from patients and third-party insurance sufficient?

Atrium Health Foundation is important because it supports the work of Atrium Health by providing programs and services that are not covered by revenues from patients and insurance companies. Although Atrium Health is a large system, it does not have unlimited resources. By working with donors, the Foundation enhances the services Atrium Health provides. Areas […]

By |October 2nd, 2014||0 Comments