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How much of what I contribute goes to programs, and how much goes to overhead and administrative costs?

100% of any contribution you make to the Foundation will be designated for the Atrium Health program or facility you specify. The Foundation’s operating expenses are funded chiefly through annual support from Atrium Health, as well as an operational reserve fund held at the Foundation. Additionally, the Foundation’s charitable funds are assessed a modest administrative […]

By |December 19th, 2016||0 Comments

How are contributed funds managed?

Funds are managed using professional investment management firms that invest in a balanced portfolio of securities. No charges are assessed by the Foundation against the Fund; however, monthly investment income for each fund is reduced by an allocated portion of the monthly investment management fees charged by our managers.

By |October 2nd, 2014||0 Comments

How will my contribution be used?

Many donors elect to designate a hospital service or program as the recipient of their gift – to a fund that supports ovarian cancer research, or to cardiovascular rehabilitation. A donor may also choose to make an unrestricted gift to the Foundation. At the discretion of the Board of Directors, these gifts are designated for […]

By |October 2nd, 2014||0 Comments